Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 3.......What Will You Commit To?

I started this challenge with the hopes of composing a post everyday for the next 30 days. However, the weekend came and I got a little bit off track but I'm back and I'm recommitting myself to this project. I can gladly say that I have stuck to my promise of not watching the morning news to see what kind of day I would have. I let go of the morning news and I have been having more productive mornings and a more positive outlook on the day ahead. 

I've been thinking about my purpose in life a lot and wondering if I can continue this journey alone. I feel like every good, conscious, spiritual, well rounded female needs a companion to travel on this road together. I must admit that this is an area of my life that I've never paid much attention to because it seemed as if the timing was never right. Lately, this desire to have a companion that is motivated and moved by spirit is greater than it has ever been, but I've decided to wait. I'm not searching because I know when the time is right he will appear. We will rise with the morning sun, meditate together, have our morning tea together, practice yoga together, and create a life well lived that will help others. Until the time comes I am patiently waiting for a universal love whose spirit meshes perfectly with mine.

Waiting for his kiss (universal love)

I meet interesting people from interesting places
With interesting stories to tell
Sometimes I meet people with lots of money and fame
But it seems like more of the same
More of the same mundane, routine,
I get bored easily
I’m in search of fun.
I want to run off to the sun (if that were ever possible)
I want to touch the unknown and go to places off the beaten path
Where I’m not seen ……
My spirit
Radiates authenticity
Forget political correctness
I am dripping with desire to touch consciousness and I want him to touch me
It can only be felt by the heart and mind
It can only be seen with the spirit eye
Heard by the listening ear of the universe where silence is deafening.
Where my pleas are echoed into eternity.
There has to be much more than this….and I am waiting for his kiss.
Universal Love

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