Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 2......What Will You Commit To?

Where Do You Want to Go?
So, this is day 2 of my thirty day journey to compose a post everyday. I wanted to see what would happen if I stay totally committed to doing something no matter how busy I might be with other things throughout the day. In the past it has been very hard for me to commit to anything. I didn't want to commit to a job, a career, a relationship, or a city. I wanted to live my life without any restrictions. I confused having no direction with freedom. I wandered aimlessly throughout life believing that I would stay young young, and that someone would magically appear to make my life better.....silly me! I know better and I'm trying to do better. Commitments aren't as bad as I thought that they would be and it is only hard to stay committed  if you have no purpose, direction or goals that you want to achieve.

Yesterday I decided that for the next 30 days in addition to writing a post I would start my day without the morning news and instead  listen to music. I am doing this because I want to see how my thoughts change about my day without the bad news that is reported first thing in the morning. Today was the first day and I must say I didn't miss hearing about gunshots fired at innocent civilians by police, home invasions, crooked politicians, corruption, and death. I felt as though I paid more attention to what I would wear to work. I took a little more time with my hair. I sat and enjoyed my morning coffee in peace, and I didn't have to run out the door because I was running late. I listened to Lenny Kravitz on the way to work and sang Fly Away very loudly (it is #tbt). I actually enjoyed walking into work a few minutes early. I could get used to this.  Overall, I had a very good day, my wheels have been turning about how I can make a positive difference in the world. I can make a difference if I stay committed to this kind of thinking.

This is only day one without the news, my second post, and I am already feeling more connected and capable of achieving my goals. I am changing my personal definition of commitment.  I would define commitment as one's dedication, and effort to achieve desired results.

What do you want to be? What will you commit to to make your dreams a reality?

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