Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 14, 15, 16...What Are You Committed To? How About Self Care?

What Are You Committed To?
Day 14, 15, and 16. I haven’t put a post in three days however, but I have been waking up without the morning news. I’ve been under the weather so I’ve been taking it easy these past few days. It seems like everyone in the office is getting sick. On day 14 I came home with a sore throat and runny nose and despite my best effort I succumbed to the tired feeling that precedes full blown illness. I didn’t try to fight it this time. I’ve been drinking green juice and eating simple meals. I’m starting to feel better, and I’m so glad because I have cabin fever.

Since I’ve had no desire to go out after work, I’ve been taking the time out to affirm health and wellness for my life. I am naturally an introvert and a deep thinker and I have a tendency to let my thoughts consume me, and more times than not these thoughts are self-defeating and negative. When I started feeling sick I began to tell myself that I’m not taking care of myself, maybe I could eat a little better, it’s my fault that I don’t feel well. When the truth of the matter is I work in an environment where I am exposed to the general public and despite my best efforts to wash my hands, keep my work area clean and sanitized, stay hydrated etc. sometimes getting sick is inevitable. So, I’ve decided to change my inner dialogue to reflect how I want to feel and how I want to see myself. It’s a fact that our bodies are meant to be in perfect health. As it relates to health it is our job to do all that we can to achieve optimal health. Optimal health starts with having the right mindset about our well-being. We can maintain our mindset with meditation, good nutrition, exercise, and rest. So, when the time comes when we do get sick the recovery time is speedy.

These past three days that I did not write a post I felt disappointed because I wasn’t up to it, but this was also a gentle reminder that I should be flexible. I was reminded about being gentle with myself. I was also reminded that intention is everything. If my intentions are there then the task will be completed when the time is right, and honestly the past three days were less than inspirational. I had to change my inner dialogue and forgive myself for the negative self-talk. When I feel good my posts are positive because I have a good attitude, and the same goes for every aspect in my life. Our work and the way that we perform in most cases is a great indicator of how we feel inside. I think that it’s OK to step back and take a break when our body or mind is not in balance. It’s OK to take care of yourself.

What are you committed to? How about self-care?

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