Sunday, February 14, 2016

Day 11.....What Will You Commit To?...Waking Up Earlier Perhaps

How Will You Spend Your Time?
Day 11 is a day late but I went the entire day without listening to the news. Limiting my online activity was hard because I am helping a friend plan a party, and most people have their business links posted on Facebook so I was communicating using Facebook chats to negotiate rates for services. In this instance I find this type of online activity useful and convenient. I was very tempted to get lost in my timeline but I reminded myself of what I was trying to achieve. I did indulge for a few minutes and that was enough for me. I needed to focus my attention on the task at hand which was to make sure that my friend has everything that she will need for her special day.

Weekends are usually the two days that I have set aside to sleep in late, clean, do laundry… know all of the fun stuff. However lately I’ve been up at 6 am on the weekends practicing yoga, listening to motivational speakers, and reading, all before 9 am. I really believe that this is because I am motivated to make major changes in my life. I always talk about these “changes” with people but never really knew how to go about it. I’ve decided that if I want to see changes I can’t sleep all day just because it’s Saturday. The weekends are truly the only two days that I have the entire day to do things for myself. The other five days my services are contracted out for 8 hours a day; not to mention the nearly two hours that are spent in traffic round trip. I’m not complaining it’s just an observation and I’ve come to the realization that I’ve been wasting my most valuable asset just because it’s the weekend. Time is just as valuable as money, and even more valuable in most cases. Yet I have been squandering my time sleeping but not really resting. I have been wasting my time doing things that I don’t really want to do. Once the value of a thing is realized it is hard to throw it away. I would never throw my money in the garbage. I try to save it, I cherish it, and invest it because I know its worth.

I’ve come to the same realization about my time. When you value your time you have a level of freedom that money can’t buy.  There is the freedom to create, to reflect, and really enjoy the people that you love without feeling rushed. When your time is handled like money you are well rested because your time is not wasted doing unimportant things to make yourself seem like you are busy and having fun. Time allows us to craft things of real value.

What would you do if you had more time? What would you create? Who would you help? Where would you go? Who would you spend time with? 

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