Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 4......What Will You Commit To?

"There Are No Obstacles Only The Ones We Create In Our Mind"

Day 4 of my personal challenge has gone awry. Today should actually be day 10 but I find my challenge a little challenging. I didn’t realize how easily I get distracted and will make excuses as to why I can’t complete a task. I am the ultimate procrastinator at times. I’ve been wrapped up in my own thoughts and emotions instead of staying focused on my goals and aspirations both personally and professionally. I noticed this pattern has repeated itself throughout my life and I want to make a change. Change can only come with practice, repetition, and discipline. So, once again I commit myself to this challenge of 30 days of blog posts and waking up news free.

I have continued to listen to music in lieu of the news and it has been particularly helpful in keeping me motivated and positive. I listen to Bob Marley or Deva and Premal while getting ready. I have a regular meditation practice however, I haven’t been sitting for 30 minutes before starting my day. Today, I have recommitted myself to my cushion. I sat in silence and gladly surrendered my work week to the universe. I allowed all of the anxiety and fear that plagued me over the last few months fade away. I opened up my mind and my spirit to love. I could feel the love that is with me all of the time wrap his loving arms around me and tell me that everything will be alright. He then whispered in my ear very quietly “There are no obstacles only the obstacles that we create in our mind.”  When I rose from my mat this saying resonated with me so much. “There are no obstacles only the obstacles that we create in our mind.” I couldn’t remember where I have heard this before but I knew that this was an idea that I needed to revisit.

So, now I realize that this challenge to abandon the morning news and to write a blog post for 30 days is not hard and it can be done. There’s always time. I’ve always believed the saying that you make time for the things and people that are important to you. The same applies to our visions and dreams. We have to remain committed to living the life that we are meant to live.

For the next 26 days I want to share as deeply as possible. I want to watch the miracle of commitment and persistence and dedication to cause. I’m curious to see what unfolds. I want to wake up the creativity in me, so that I can connect with more creative souls. I want to free myself from the limitations that I have imposed on my life.

Thank you for joining me!

~Take Good Care and I’ll see you soon.

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