Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 6……..What Will You Commit To? Confidence Maybe?


Where are you trying to Go? 
Day 6 with no news in the morning, and I must say that I don’t miss it all. This morning I popped in Kendrick Lamar Good Kid MADD City before work trying to get pumped up before I fight traffic. I must say that I can see a big difference in my attitude with my clients at work since I stopped watching the local news in the morning.. I spend more time answering questions and really taking the time to listen  to their concerns instead of just trying to rush them out of my office. Despite feeling like a big fish in a small pond at times I must say that I really enjoy what I do. I love helping new moms with their babies, and helping families achieve a healthier diet on a limited budget. Somehow I always find time to encourage them to consider some type of introspection and self-care and I can tell that the moms really appreciate this. My job is more than customer service.  I am showing people that I really and truly care about their needs and this motivates them to do better in most cases.

So, I am reading a book called the Four Hour Work Week by a guy named Timothy Ferriss. A friend of mine recommended this book to me when I was talking to him about escaping the 8-5 lifestyle and  venturing out on my own in the future to write, teach, and delve deeper into my passions in life. My passions include travel, food, poetry, and exploring spirituality.  This past weekend I downloaded the book the Four Hour Work Week to my Kindle and haven’t put it down since. The book describes in great detail how to organize your time so that you are free to live the life that you want to live. Huh? I’ve heard that before, but I find this book quite seductive because everything that he is suggesting is everything that I worked hard not to be. I’ve perfected the art of laying low and staying behind the scenes. I never talk back or challenge authority, and for the most part I do what I am told because I don’t want to ruffle any feathers however, he is suggesting that in order to live the life you want to live you have to do things that you never thought that you could do. I can sum it up in my own words to mean that you need to have a certain level of confidence in order to defy the status quo.  I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this for years but somehow I always fall back into the habit of staying quiet when I should speak up. I am a quite tall for a girl so I already attract  a lot attention and it doesn't help that I can be quite shy. After reading this book I decided that for once in my life I will own my stature. Maybe this will change my attitude and give me the confidence I need to make my dreams a reality.  In the words of Erykah Badu “I’m Twenty Feet Tall”.

This week I will not watch the news, I will post a blog daily and I will own my stature. What will you commit to for the next thirty days? What do you want to change? 

~Until next time

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