Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day 9......What Will You Commit To? Less Distractions?

Meet for Mocktails and Conversation
Day 9 without morning news, a daily blog post, an increased sense of self and confidence has been great. I must admit that I’m feeling fine. For the past few days I’ve noticed that I have a sense of stillness that I haven’t felt in a long time. When my co-workers bring up something that happened in the news I am startled, and at times appalled to hear what is going on in the world. So, I am not totally news free because once I step out of my front door there is someone that is always eager to update me on the world’s current events. Although disturbing at times this is a less daunting way to experience the news since we as consumers never get all of the details from the media anyway. What difference does it make when someone changes the story just a bit to fit their personal agenda at least I’m getting an overview of events instead of all of the gory images and details.

The longer I challenge myself the more that I am discovering what I can live without. I’ve decided to limit the use of Facebook for the remainder of this challenge. I will check my messages mid-day after I eat lunch, and in the evening before I shut off all of my electronics. I realize that although I communicate with many of my loved ones this way there are also many things that I don’t want to see that bruise my spirit and excitement for life. Also, there is an amazing amount of negative world news on Facebook. While I realize that there is a lot of strife in the world I have to build myself up so that I am able to stay strong in these tough times. It is easy to be swayed by the passionate comments of other users almost to the point that you may forget where you stand on a particular issue. I waste an enormous amount of time looking at pictures of people that I don’t even interact with in real life. I spend way too much time creating stories in my head about what might be happening behind my back and right now I need to conserve my energy. I want to put all of my energy into the things that bring my heart joy. I don’t want to be in virtual competition with anyone anymore. So, I look  forward to allowing myself more time to be creative and actually interact with friends and family via telephone, letters, e-mails, or face to face.

When there is time to pursue what it is that you really love then you can design the life that you want to live. You find ways to live with less and decide what is important to you instead of being swayed by the media, friends on social media, and the temptation to shop for things that you don’t really need. Time is so precious. How will you spend yours? I choose to use mine creating instead of just consuming.

What will You Give Up? How about distractions? 

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