Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 14, 15, 16...What Are You Committed To? How About Self Care?

What Are You Committed To?
Day 14, 15, and 16. I haven’t put a post in three days however, but I have been waking up without the morning news. I’ve been under the weather so I’ve been taking it easy these past few days. It seems like everyone in the office is getting sick. On day 14 I came home with a sore throat and runny nose and despite my best effort I succumbed to the tired feeling that precedes full blown illness. I didn’t try to fight it this time. I’ve been drinking green juice and eating simple meals. I’m starting to feel better, and I’m so glad because I have cabin fever.

Since I’ve had no desire to go out after work, I’ve been taking the time out to affirm health and wellness for my life. I am naturally an introvert and a deep thinker and I have a tendency to let my thoughts consume me, and more times than not these thoughts are self-defeating and negative. When I started feeling sick I began to tell myself that I’m not taking care of myself, maybe I could eat a little better, it’s my fault that I don’t feel well. When the truth of the matter is I work in an environment where I am exposed to the general public and despite my best efforts to wash my hands, keep my work area clean and sanitized, stay hydrated etc. sometimes getting sick is inevitable. So, I’ve decided to change my inner dialogue to reflect how I want to feel and how I want to see myself. It’s a fact that our bodies are meant to be in perfect health. As it relates to health it is our job to do all that we can to achieve optimal health. Optimal health starts with having the right mindset about our well-being. We can maintain our mindset with meditation, good nutrition, exercise, and rest. So, when the time comes when we do get sick the recovery time is speedy.

These past three days that I did not write a post I felt disappointed because I wasn’t up to it, but this was also a gentle reminder that I should be flexible. I was reminded about being gentle with myself. I was also reminded that intention is everything. If my intentions are there then the task will be completed when the time is right, and honestly the past three days were less than inspirational. I had to change my inner dialogue and forgive myself for the negative self-talk. When I feel good my posts are positive because I have a good attitude, and the same goes for every aspect in my life. Our work and the way that we perform in most cases is a great indicator of how we feel inside. I think that it’s OK to step back and take a break when our body or mind is not in balance. It’s OK to take care of yourself.

What are you committed to? How about self-care?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 13... What are You Committed To? Letting Go Maybe?

“Attachment is The Root of All Suffering” ~Buddha

What Will You Let Go OF? 
Day 13 with no morning news and another blog post. Today when I woke up I must admit that I went straight to social media. I wanted to see what I was missing and I ended up staying on all day. Swiping mindlessly soaking up all of the news and gossip for the day. I also started looking at pictures of old friends and it made me a little sad. It’s funny how people that you used to spend so much time with hardly have time anymore. What makes people drift apart? It’s obvious we grow and change. Our priorities shift, our wants and needs change, maybe we no longer like the same things anymore and there is really nothing to talk about so then why do we remain friends on the Internet? Are we doing this to create the illusion of a love or friendship that is lost? Are we trying to hold on to a relationship where the love is gone? Why do this to ourselves. I think that it’s just fine to stay friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend if you are OK with the fact that he has moved on, but if you are not why hold on to the pain?

I’m paraphrasing here but Buddha states that the cause of all suffering is attachment. So why not be free? We have great memories that can never be taken from us and that is what we should cherish. For the past two weeks I have been posting about commitment. I’ve been thinking hard about my feelings towards commitment and what it truly means to me. In the past I have been known to start something and then give up before I see the end results. Commitment for me is creating new habits that will allow me to have more time and income to do the things that I love most. I am in the habit of waking up early during the week, meditating for thirty minutes and then starting my day. I am also in the habit of doing yoga daily and I can’t tell you how these habits have changed me in a positive way. I consume less wine than I have in the past because it’s hard to exercise once you’ve had too much to drink. Waking up early to meditate gives me the chance to organize my thoughts before the phone starts ringing or I am bombarded with the demands of the day.

I want to continue to work on creating good daily habits that will improve my overall well being so that I don’t feel attached to what I see online. I will be so full that I have no time to fantasize over what might have been. Things don’t work out for a reason. I have to keep telling myself  this. I have issues with letting go because of fear. We should never fear letting go because there is plenty more of what we want and need if we are willing to let go.  

What are you willing to let go of? I'm letting go of fear. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Day 12....Happy Valentines Day

Might as well indulge....just this once
Day 12 without watching the morning news, and another blog post. Since starting this challenge I have also decreased the amount of time spent on social media. Today is Valentine's Day and unfortunately I don't have a Valentine, but nevertheless I'm feeling fine. I spent the day pampering myself. I downloaded the new Kanye West album "The Life of Pablo" and Rihanna's "Anti" and I enjoyed a glass of wine and a box of chocolates. I must say that I've enjoyed my day very much. I love the idea of Valentine's Day but sometimes it feels like the true meaning of celebrating the one you love has been withered down to excessive spending and unrealistic expectations of what should be given on this day.

I used to spend Valentine's Day at work when I was a waitress and this was one of my least favorite holidays to work. The couples that I served didn't seem to like each other very much and Valentine's Day dinner was just a way to keep the peace in the household. I can't imagine waiting an hour in a restaurant to pay for an expensive meal that I don't really enjoy just to prove my love. I think that there are so many simple ways to say I love you that don't cost a single penny. Maybe I'm jaded but I'd take spending the day at home with my love listening to new music and preparing a meal together. I'm holding out for the person that understands my simplicity.

Until then I will appreciate the richness of a few morsels of chocolate and the sounds of my favorite artists blasting through my house.

I hope that everyone reading this had a wonderful Valentines Day and I hope that you will stay with me on this journey.

Day 11.....What Will You Commit To?...Waking Up Earlier Perhaps

How Will You Spend Your Time?
Day 11 is a day late but I went the entire day without listening to the news. Limiting my online activity was hard because I am helping a friend plan a party, and most people have their business links posted on Facebook so I was communicating using Facebook chats to negotiate rates for services. In this instance I find this type of online activity useful and convenient. I was very tempted to get lost in my timeline but I reminded myself of what I was trying to achieve. I did indulge for a few minutes and that was enough for me. I needed to focus my attention on the task at hand which was to make sure that my friend has everything that she will need for her special day.

Weekends are usually the two days that I have set aside to sleep in late, clean, do laundry… know all of the fun stuff. However lately I’ve been up at 6 am on the weekends practicing yoga, listening to motivational speakers, and reading, all before 9 am. I really believe that this is because I am motivated to make major changes in my life. I always talk about these “changes” with people but never really knew how to go about it. I’ve decided that if I want to see changes I can’t sleep all day just because it’s Saturday. The weekends are truly the only two days that I have the entire day to do things for myself. The other five days my services are contracted out for 8 hours a day; not to mention the nearly two hours that are spent in traffic round trip. I’m not complaining it’s just an observation and I’ve come to the realization that I’ve been wasting my most valuable asset just because it’s the weekend. Time is just as valuable as money, and even more valuable in most cases. Yet I have been squandering my time sleeping but not really resting. I have been wasting my time doing things that I don’t really want to do. Once the value of a thing is realized it is hard to throw it away. I would never throw my money in the garbage. I try to save it, I cherish it, and invest it because I know its worth.

I’ve come to the same realization about my time. When you value your time you have a level of freedom that money can’t buy.  There is the freedom to create, to reflect, and really enjoy the people that you love without feeling rushed. When your time is handled like money you are well rested because your time is not wasted doing unimportant things to make yourself seem like you are busy and having fun. Time allows us to craft things of real value.

What would you do if you had more time? What would you create? Who would you help? Where would you go? Who would you spend time with? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 10.......What Will You Commit To? Simplicity Maybe?

 "My Richness is Life Forever" ~Bob Marley

What Will You Choose?
Day 10 of my challenge to not watch the morning news, and to create a blog post everyday has been liberating to say the least. When I first decided to challenge myself by writing a post every day I was unsure about what would unfold. I am finding that by committing to a certain activity for a specific amount of time creates great discipline, and has the ability to spark an enormous amount of creativity. For me it has magnified the excesses in my life and has allowed me to live with less in such a short timeframe.

Today was the first day that I decreased the amount of time that I spend surfing the Internet by 75%. I noticed the benefits instantly. I took on a  different task at work today which allowed me to learn a new skill. I enjoyed lunch without the distraction of looking online while I eat. I savored my food instead of  hastily shoving it down my throat. From now on I will not use the Internet until I have finished lunch. I felt more satisfied and thus was able to be more productive.

Today I was playing around with the idea of living a simpler life. I read an article that encouraged a relationship with poverty from time to time. What?? This sounds like a crazy notion that no sane person that works extremely hard would attempt especially considering what we do to maintain a sense of stability. The author suggested that this a way to alleviate fear in your life. Examples that were provided were things like wearing the same outfit for a week straight, or planning an entire days meal on two or three dollars a day for several days, or even fasting for a few days. By doing this exercise you would see if you can find joy in the simplest things in life or, if you rely too heavily on material things to bring you joy.

 Many people live in this way and they do not have the luxury to decide when they will spend less than five dollars a day on food, or what outfit to wear since their options are limited at best.  The author did not suggest that there was anything wrong with having wealth, material things, or success, but instead he wanted us to remember that we can never get too comfortable with the illusion of material success.  We must have an intimate relationship with fear in order to remove fear from our life.

 What is it that you fear? Do you fear losing your way of life? Your friends?  What is it that you can’t live without? Decide what that thing is and then live without it for a few days and watch how your life will change. This exercise will help you to develop a deeper appreciation for the things that you do have, and it will also remind you that they are not necessary for your happiness.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day 9......What Will You Commit To? Less Distractions?

Meet for Mocktails and Conversation
Day 9 without morning news, a daily blog post, an increased sense of self and confidence has been great. I must admit that I’m feeling fine. For the past few days I’ve noticed that I have a sense of stillness that I haven’t felt in a long time. When my co-workers bring up something that happened in the news I am startled, and at times appalled to hear what is going on in the world. So, I am not totally news free because once I step out of my front door there is someone that is always eager to update me on the world’s current events. Although disturbing at times this is a less daunting way to experience the news since we as consumers never get all of the details from the media anyway. What difference does it make when someone changes the story just a bit to fit their personal agenda at least I’m getting an overview of events instead of all of the gory images and details.

The longer I challenge myself the more that I am discovering what I can live without. I’ve decided to limit the use of Facebook for the remainder of this challenge. I will check my messages mid-day after I eat lunch, and in the evening before I shut off all of my electronics. I realize that although I communicate with many of my loved ones this way there are also many things that I don’t want to see that bruise my spirit and excitement for life. Also, there is an amazing amount of negative world news on Facebook. While I realize that there is a lot of strife in the world I have to build myself up so that I am able to stay strong in these tough times. It is easy to be swayed by the passionate comments of other users almost to the point that you may forget where you stand on a particular issue. I waste an enormous amount of time looking at pictures of people that I don’t even interact with in real life. I spend way too much time creating stories in my head about what might be happening behind my back and right now I need to conserve my energy. I want to put all of my energy into the things that bring my heart joy. I don’t want to be in virtual competition with anyone anymore. So, I look  forward to allowing myself more time to be creative and actually interact with friends and family via telephone, letters, e-mails, or face to face.

When there is time to pursue what it is that you really love then you can design the life that you want to live. You find ways to live with less and decide what is important to you instead of being swayed by the media, friends on social media, and the temptation to shop for things that you don’t really need. Time is so precious. How will you spend yours? I choose to use mine creating instead of just consuming.

What will You Give Up? How about distractions? 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 8.....What are You Committed To? Self Acceptance Maybe?

Funny What a Kitten Heel Can Do
Day 8 with no morning news, a daily blog post, and increased confidence. Today instead of wearing flats to work I opted for a kitten heel. How adorable was I? I was also super tall! I am already 5’11 without heels so you can imagine the look on some of my co-workers faces when my 6’1 long and lean frame waltzed into work towering over everyone. Some of my co-workers are very petite and often comment on my height. I have been asked if I am 6’5” or how hard is it to find a boyfriend. I know that they are just curious but sometimes my self-esteem is bruised since I have been single for a very long time. Honestly, in my opinion my relationship status has nothing to do with my height, but I’ll save that for another post at a time to be determined.

 Deciding to wear two inch heels to work scared me. My heart raced wondering what people were saying about me under their breath, but after 30 minutes of negative self-talk I let it go and got to work. I actually enjoyed the click clack of my heels against the laminate floors as I walked down the hall. I felt like a grown up today, and it was a great feeling. When I sat with clients I crossed my legs and looked them directly in the eyes. I felt that I demanded respect from my clients and peers. Amazing what a pair of shoes can do! I now understand the addiction that some ladies have with shoes. I feel as though I could possibly wear heels every single day and own it. Today I fell in love with my body all over again. I haven’t felt this way since I was a teenager when it was cool to be a tall skinny waif like the supermodels of that time. Today, I realized that I have been doing myself a disservice by trying to make myself small so that others could feel good about themselves.

I am me! I am not better or worse than anyone else. We are all one. Tall, short, fat, skinny, shy, outgoing, you catch my drift….we are one. When we accept who we are and how we are perfectly made then we can move closer to our purpose which is my goal. I want to surround myself with people that are living and breathing their truth. I want to accept people as they are just as I want to be accepted; flaws and all.

It’s funny how a pair of two inch kitten heels can make a 30 something girl feel like a lady. It’s funny how owning and accepting yourself for who you are can change your perception of the world and the people that you used to think were smarter, or more qualified than you now seem like scared little girls.

My two inch heels reminded me that I have vision, I have purpose, and I have the love and support of the universe, and if I just stay committed and confident all of my dreams will come true. I’m committed to self acceptance.

What are you committed to?

~Until next time. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 7……What Will You Commit To? Could it Be Love?

Could It Be Love That You're Searching For? 

Day 7 no news to wake me up and another blog post before days end! I am happy to have reached day 7 on this journey. When I woke up this morning I played a little reggae music from my online play list. It was freezing in my condo when I woke up this morning so I promptly turned up the heat, started brewing a fresh cup of coffee, and cranked my music up a little too loud for 5 A.M.  The sounds of Morgan Heritage really put me in a great mood. As I prepared myself mentally for the day I was feeling very excited about what this day had to offer. I didn’t know what to expect and honestly the only expectation that I had was to have a productive day. I like waking up feeling motivated and ready to tackle whatever comes my way. 

When I stepped outside it was pretty cold and I felt snow flurries smacking me in the face. Could it be that there was a chance that we would get sent home early because of the snow? In my mind my day was off to a great start. I imagined coming back home and getting back into my pajamas. By the time I got to work the snow started to fall harder. I prayed a silent prayer for the call to shut down my computer and head home. However, the snow did not last so I worked the entire day. I have no complaints, I am very grateful that I have a job but a girl could dream………

Since I’ve cut out the news and have committed to writing a daily post, cutting out the news, and developing more confidence in myself I have been very acutely aware of dreams that I have suppressed to fit into the mold of what a grown woman is supposed to be. I feel the strength that I was using to protect my heart slowly waning and I feel more open and more exposed. I don’t feel the need to hold back tears, and I’ve come face to face with inner truths that I tried to run away from. Everything and everyone that was so familiar to me seems foreign. I am engaging my dreams. I am having a conversation daily with my soul because I want to know how she (my soul) wants me to proceed . 

Deep down inside is a deep desire to give, give, give and give some more. I want to embody love, and give it unconditionally. “Could you be Loved?” in the words of Robert Nesta Marley…….. I could be loved. Can you give love without restrictions on another? I can!  This has been my deepest desire since I was a child however, when you have been rejected, hurt, betrayed, and neglected it’s hard to accept  the concept of love. How could I love anybody when the people that I love the most have taken advantage of my love? The answer is to keep loving. Could you be loved? Can you embody love? Can you give love? Yes you can because you are love. We are love

What will you commit to? I am committed to Love 

~Until next time

Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 6……..What Will You Commit To? Confidence Maybe?


Where are you trying to Go? 
Day 6 with no news in the morning, and I must say that I don’t miss it all. This morning I popped in Kendrick Lamar Good Kid MADD City before work trying to get pumped up before I fight traffic. I must say that I can see a big difference in my attitude with my clients at work since I stopped watching the local news in the morning.. I spend more time answering questions and really taking the time to listen  to their concerns instead of just trying to rush them out of my office. Despite feeling like a big fish in a small pond at times I must say that I really enjoy what I do. I love helping new moms with their babies, and helping families achieve a healthier diet on a limited budget. Somehow I always find time to encourage them to consider some type of introspection and self-care and I can tell that the moms really appreciate this. My job is more than customer service.  I am showing people that I really and truly care about their needs and this motivates them to do better in most cases.

So, I am reading a book called the Four Hour Work Week by a guy named Timothy Ferriss. A friend of mine recommended this book to me when I was talking to him about escaping the 8-5 lifestyle and  venturing out on my own in the future to write, teach, and delve deeper into my passions in life. My passions include travel, food, poetry, and exploring spirituality.  This past weekend I downloaded the book the Four Hour Work Week to my Kindle and haven’t put it down since. The book describes in great detail how to organize your time so that you are free to live the life that you want to live. Huh? I’ve heard that before, but I find this book quite seductive because everything that he is suggesting is everything that I worked hard not to be. I’ve perfected the art of laying low and staying behind the scenes. I never talk back or challenge authority, and for the most part I do what I am told because I don’t want to ruffle any feathers however, he is suggesting that in order to live the life you want to live you have to do things that you never thought that you could do. I can sum it up in my own words to mean that you need to have a certain level of confidence in order to defy the status quo.  I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this for years but somehow I always fall back into the habit of staying quiet when I should speak up. I am a quite tall for a girl so I already attract  a lot attention and it doesn't help that I can be quite shy. After reading this book I decided that for once in my life I will own my stature. Maybe this will change my attitude and give me the confidence I need to make my dreams a reality.  In the words of Erykah Badu “I’m Twenty Feet Tall”.

This week I will not watch the news, I will post a blog daily and I will own my stature. What will you commit to for the next thirty days? What do you want to change? 

~Until next time

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Getting Back to The Things That I Love.

I was trying to be fancy and put my drink in a wine glass.
This weekend was really laid back. I spent time cleaning, reflecting, and practicing the art of self care. I am really trying to be very gentle with myself these days as I struggle with anxiety. I am finding that anxiety for me means that I need to let go of some things that no longer fit into my life. It could be my thought patterns, negative self-talk, and engaging in conversations that really disturb my inner peace  and throw me off  balance. I am reminded that anytime I have an anxiety attack it is time for me to get back to things and people that I love, and to do the things that bring me absolute joy.

Last weekend I went to the local farmer's market and saw that there was fresh sorrel on sale. I've never seen fresh sorrel, only the dried leaves so I was extremely excited. When I think of sorrel I think of a nice cold glass spiked with rum or ginger beer during the holidays. My Ummi makes this delicious concoction every year however, I've never made it myself so I thought I would give it a try. Drinking sorrel always puts me in a great frame of mind because it automatically takes me to New York City and the delicious smells that are associated with the holidays.
Sorrel Leaves

My good friend Afya Ibomu who is a holistic nutritionist gifted me with her book the Vegan Remix! A Soulful Spin on World Cuisine. This book has an awesome recipe for "Sorrel Sizzurp" so, I used her recipe to make this wonderful, lightly sweetened, spiced just right liquid deliciousness.

The type of sorrel that I used is a Jamaican sorrel which is not considered a true sorrel. True sorrel is a leafy green similar to spinach (I have never tried this). Sorrel has many benefits:

It can be used as a diuretic, blood thinner, or to help decrease blood pressure.Sorrel is high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

For the "Sorrel Sizzurp" recipe check out Afya's book:

Day 5.......What Will You Committ To? Is it Possible To Create The Life That You Love?

All Things Are Possible
Day 5 of this 30 day challenge got off to a great start and I must say that today was good day. I have completed my coursework and I am now qualified to teach mindful eating principles and techniques to my clients. Mindfulness as it relates to eating is a great way to slow down when choosing food, preparing food, and consuming food. Using mindfulness could possibly facilitate weight loss and heal negative emotions related to eating. I am so excited that I will be able to bring this type of counseling to my area. I will keep you all posted on that. The program that I was in to receive this qualification was a 12 week course that I attended in a virtual classroom with other professionals such as psychotherapists, other dietitians/nutritionists, aryuvedic practitioners, yoga teachers, and social workers. After reflecting over the material in the twelve week course I realized that I have been committed. I made a huge financial commitment, and I sacrificed free time in order to complete this course, so I realized that commitment can be easy and fun if you’re interested in the task or challenge at hand. 

Today, I woke up feeling extremely talkative and motivated to really expand on this whole idea of commitment. I called my friend up bright and early and she was quite surprised that I was up so early on a Sunday morning. I explained to her that if we really want to live the life that we love we have to stay committed to the idea that it is possible to be everything that we want to be. We have to expand our way of thinking and move from the notion that it just won’t work…..whatever it is! I’ve met countless people that are doing what I had planned in my mind but never set out to do. I spent many years talking myself out of things because it always seemed that the time was never right. I was living in a fear mentality and in some aspects I still am.

 Today I have been asking myself some tough questions about my current lifestyle. I actually started envisioning myself 20-30 years from now. Would I still be waking up every day to fight traffic to clock and do unfulfilling work just to get to an age where I can finally retire and hopefully do all of things that I always wanted to do? Hmmmm…..

Today is a new day! What is the worst thing that can happen if you try and don’t succeed? Well, you’ll just try again right? I know that I will. I have been fortunate and blessed to have some dynamic people in my circle cheering me on, and offering support. Support is wonderful in the grand scheme of things however, the most important type of support is the belief in your own personal abilities. It is time to be confident and shine. 

~Shine on and start creating the life that you want to live.  

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 4......What Will You Commit To?

"There Are No Obstacles Only The Ones We Create In Our Mind"

Day 4 of my personal challenge has gone awry. Today should actually be day 10 but I find my challenge a little challenging. I didn’t realize how easily I get distracted and will make excuses as to why I can’t complete a task. I am the ultimate procrastinator at times. I’ve been wrapped up in my own thoughts and emotions instead of staying focused on my goals and aspirations both personally and professionally. I noticed this pattern has repeated itself throughout my life and I want to make a change. Change can only come with practice, repetition, and discipline. So, once again I commit myself to this challenge of 30 days of blog posts and waking up news free.

I have continued to listen to music in lieu of the news and it has been particularly helpful in keeping me motivated and positive. I listen to Bob Marley or Deva and Premal while getting ready. I have a regular meditation practice however, I haven’t been sitting for 30 minutes before starting my day. Today, I have recommitted myself to my cushion. I sat in silence and gladly surrendered my work week to the universe. I allowed all of the anxiety and fear that plagued me over the last few months fade away. I opened up my mind and my spirit to love. I could feel the love that is with me all of the time wrap his loving arms around me and tell me that everything will be alright. He then whispered in my ear very quietly “There are no obstacles only the obstacles that we create in our mind.”  When I rose from my mat this saying resonated with me so much. “There are no obstacles only the obstacles that we create in our mind.” I couldn’t remember where I have heard this before but I knew that this was an idea that I needed to revisit.

So, now I realize that this challenge to abandon the morning news and to write a blog post for 30 days is not hard and it can be done. There’s always time. I’ve always believed the saying that you make time for the things and people that are important to you. The same applies to our visions and dreams. We have to remain committed to living the life that we are meant to live.

For the next 26 days I want to share as deeply as possible. I want to watch the miracle of commitment and persistence and dedication to cause. I’m curious to see what unfolds. I want to wake up the creativity in me, so that I can connect with more creative souls. I want to free myself from the limitations that I have imposed on my life.

Thank you for joining me!

~Take Good Care and I’ll see you soon.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 3.......What Will You Commit To?

I started this challenge with the hopes of composing a post everyday for the next 30 days. However, the weekend came and I got a little bit off track but I'm back and I'm recommitting myself to this project. I can gladly say that I have stuck to my promise of not watching the morning news to see what kind of day I would have. I let go of the morning news and I have been having more productive mornings and a more positive outlook on the day ahead. 

I've been thinking about my purpose in life a lot and wondering if I can continue this journey alone. I feel like every good, conscious, spiritual, well rounded female needs a companion to travel on this road together. I must admit that this is an area of my life that I've never paid much attention to because it seemed as if the timing was never right. Lately, this desire to have a companion that is motivated and moved by spirit is greater than it has ever been, but I've decided to wait. I'm not searching because I know when the time is right he will appear. We will rise with the morning sun, meditate together, have our morning tea together, practice yoga together, and create a life well lived that will help others. Until the time comes I am patiently waiting for a universal love whose spirit meshes perfectly with mine.

Waiting for his kiss (universal love)

I meet interesting people from interesting places
With interesting stories to tell
Sometimes I meet people with lots of money and fame
But it seems like more of the same
More of the same mundane, routine,
I get bored easily
I’m in search of fun.
I want to run off to the sun (if that were ever possible)
I want to touch the unknown and go to places off the beaten path
Where I’m not seen ……
My spirit
Radiates authenticity
Forget political correctness
I am dripping with desire to touch consciousness and I want him to touch me
It can only be felt by the heart and mind
It can only be seen with the spirit eye
Heard by the listening ear of the universe where silence is deafening.
Where my pleas are echoed into eternity.
There has to be much more than this….and I am waiting for his kiss.
Universal Love