Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 2......What Will You Commit To?

Where Do You Want to Go?
So, this is day 2 of my thirty day journey to compose a post everyday. I wanted to see what would happen if I stay totally committed to doing something no matter how busy I might be with other things throughout the day. In the past it has been very hard for me to commit to anything. I didn't want to commit to a job, a career, a relationship, or a city. I wanted to live my life without any restrictions. I confused having no direction with freedom. I wandered aimlessly throughout life believing that I would stay young young, and that someone would magically appear to make my life better.....silly me! I know better and I'm trying to do better. Commitments aren't as bad as I thought that they would be and it is only hard to stay committed  if you have no purpose, direction or goals that you want to achieve.

Yesterday I decided that for the next 30 days in addition to writing a post I would start my day without the morning news and instead  listen to music. I am doing this because I want to see how my thoughts change about my day without the bad news that is reported first thing in the morning. Today was the first day and I must say I didn't miss hearing about gunshots fired at innocent civilians by police, home invasions, crooked politicians, corruption, and death. I felt as though I paid more attention to what I would wear to work. I took a little more time with my hair. I sat and enjoyed my morning coffee in peace, and I didn't have to run out the door because I was running late. I listened to Lenny Kravitz on the way to work and sang Fly Away very loudly (it is #tbt). I actually enjoyed walking into work a few minutes early. I could get used to this.  Overall, I had a very good day, my wheels have been turning about how I can make a positive difference in the world. I can make a difference if I stay committed to this kind of thinking.

This is only day one without the news, my second post, and I am already feeling more connected and capable of achieving my goals. I am changing my personal definition of commitment.  I would define commitment as one's dedication, and effort to achieve desired results.

What do you want to be? What will you commit to to make your dreams a reality?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 1.....What Will You Commit To?

I've always heard that when starting a new endeavor or making changes in life the first step is always the hardest. When I came up with the idea to write a post daily for the next thirty days I was super excited, so excited in fact that I could hardly sleep last night. I was going to wake up early, get motivated, and write an inspirational post to help you have a blissful day, but of course that did not happen. Hey, it's only day 1.

I've decided today that in order for this to work I need to change up my routine a little. The first thing that I usually do is turn on the local news to check out the weather and traffic but some days I become engrossed in the news of the day and the news is usually negative. For the next thirty days I will listen to uplifting music or get ready in silence. I want to ensure that I am not carrying those dark negative messages with me throughout my day. Watching the news makes me fearful at times to enjoy my city because it's always in the back of my mind that something terrible just happened last night, this week, or this morning. I will be as cautious as possible however, I want to begin to live fearlessly knowing that the only moment that matters is the present.

What will you commit to for the next 30 days? I am recommitting myself to my dreams and my faith in the universe, myself, mankind, and womankind.

Let's see what unfolds on day 2!

~One Love

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Did You Miss Me? I'm Giving You 30 Days of Me

Where In The World Should I Go?
Hello to anyone and everyone reading this post. How have you been? Do you even remember who I am? My posts have been quite scattered. The last time I checked in was June 7, 2015 and boy has a lot taken place.  I was considering deleting this blog because my goal is always to write uplifting and inspiring articles, but honestly I didn't feel anywhere near uplifting or inspiring. Over the past seven months I have been trying to find my zest for life again.

On my quest I decided that what I need is not outside of myself and that I need to get back to the things that I enjoy the most. Writing this blog is one of my absolute favorite things to do so I've decided to share a post everyday for the next 30 days.

Over the next month I plan to involve you, my readers, in all of my endeavors, I plan to encourage, uplift, and inspire again. I plan to redefine my definition of personal success. I'm going to engage in activities that bring joy to my soul. I invite you all to follow me as I rediscover my true self.

Peace, Love, and Beauty...I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow.

Love to you all,

Lila J aka FemmenoireAtl