Tuesday, December 3, 2013

YEEZUS...... Hold Fast to Your Dreams!!!

Hold Fast To Your Dreams,
For if Dreams Die 
Life is a broken-winged bird 
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams 
For when dreams go
Life is a Barren Field 
Frozen with Snow.

~Langston Hughes

The Other night I went to check out the Yeezus Tour with Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar. All that I can say is that the concert was amazing! Love him or hate him Kanye is a source of inspiration for many. I love hip-hop because it's just poetry over music. How we choose to interpret it is up to us. 

Dreams by Langston Hughes is one of my favorite poems and one of the first poems that I memorized as a child. Dreams has always resonated with me even until today. I am not going to review the concert because there were so many highlights for me I could probably write a book, but when Kanye went on one of his famous "Rants" he said something that stuck with me and I wanted to share his words with  you....

"There are two types of people in the world; there are dreamers and there are haters....the only difference between  dreamers and haters is that haters have forgotten their dreams!"  

Hold fast to your dreams and keep going for it, working towards it, preparing for the moment when opportunity knocks. No matter how small or how big your dream may be keep working to make it a reality. For most of my life I let people tell me who and what I should be, how I should act, and what I should say. I almost forgot what it was that I really wanted out of life ,but as I am rekindling a relationship with my true self I don't know how I could had pushed all of my dreams aside. When I am pursuing what I love I am alive. When I write this blog, when I travel, every time that I attempt a new language I am alive, every time that I write a line of poetry I feel connected to the universe. Dreams have nothing to do with money, but money is definitely a residual effect for passionately pursuing what you love to do. 

Do you want to live or do you want to be alive? Don't let your dreams die.........

~One Love

Monday, November 11, 2013

Meet Ebony Love……Southern Hip-Hop Soul Singer!

"The Anti-Toxin is Here!" ~Ebony Love

"To touch people through song, words, expression, to be the other option. To bring balance, feed and lift spirits, to be medicine..sugar coated medicine for the world. I'm the Anti Toxin!" Ebony Love

A few  months ago I was hanging out after work with a friend at Cloud IX on Peters Street in the Castleberry Hill section of Atlanta. Everybody at the spot was going nuts over Kendrick Lamar’s verse on the Big Sean track Control. “Real Hip-Hop is back….He murdered the track” was what people were saying as the song played. I was thinking to myself this is how music is supposed to make you feel all of the time. I am all about music that stirs up strong emotions in the people listening to it. It was a good day for Hip-Hop! After having a bite to eat I decided to take a stroll in the neighborhood to see what else was going on and I came across another event taking place. I took a peek inside and realized that it was a music showcase featuring female artists called Hip Hop in High Heels. So me being me I wanted to hear more! I went inside and started asking who was on stage.  The singer was so pretty and had a real cool vibe.I never heard her music before so I started asking around about the performer. That night must have been my lucky night because I started chatting with her producer D.J. Burn One! I am a big Yelawolf fan so I recognized his name immediately and ironically I follow him on Instagram. He informed me that the singer on stage was his artist Ebony Love. I took a few photos with him and left.  As I was walking to my car I saw Ebony Love sitting outside relaxing and my usually shy self told her that I really enjoyed her showcase and that I wanted to write about her performance and her music. She wanted to know more about Femme Noire Atl and what  I write about. She was so sweet and had great energy! That night I went home and listened to anything that I could find by Ebony Love.

Singer songwriter and Atlanta native Ebony Love is on fire; she has written songs  and has been featured on tracks with some of  the music industry’s hottest rappers such as Lil' Wayne,Rick Ross, Gorilla Zoe, Gucci Mane, Young Joc, 2 Chainz ,8 Ball and Trina just to name a few.  Ebony love describes herself as “A bridge. A bridge between the races, classes, and generations.”  That explains her ability to work with so many artists but still maintain her own unique style and sound.   Her single “Jezebel Wins” is a powerful  track with  a strong message for girls that want to be  so called “Bad B’s”. She totally deconstructs the myth that being a Bad B is glamorous!  The song describes the harsh reality of the way women are treated when they disrespect themselves trying to impress men in the music industry.
Ebony Love was nice enough to take out time to talk to my readers about her journey and her music.

What inspires you to write?

The world is my muse. I'm a people lover. I absorb and gather inspiration from real life situations or even from a look in a stranger’s eyes. I write a lot about my own life and the journey that I’m on. I write about what others may be thinking, but are afraid to say. I also am inspired by the illusion of life. I write to make people think, not necessarily to think like I think but to think for themselves and not take things at face value based on tradition or, habit. My music is a firsthand account of mind states and mindsets. I find inspiration in honesty. Being able to express myself freely; my fears, my doubts,  my questions, my confusion, my love, my lust, my desires and feelings. The music itself always is a major inspiration. The music itself has a voice, words yet unspoken. I listen to what it is saying and translate it into melody and lyrics.

Femme Noire Atl. Was created to uplift, motivate, and inspire. I suffered from anxiety and depression at one point in my life until I found meditation and yoga. My readers are also looking for ways to lead a more peaceful and balanced life. How do you find Zen with such a hectic schedule?

My daily Zen pill—
“I find peace in accepting, just letting go, and letting things be. Just being able to say you know what? Fu**k it!!!  Mainly it’s the knowledge that what is supposed to be will be. Knowing God is in control….now mind you this is and will be an ongoing exercise; this finding peace thing!! It’s a daily thing….challenge by challenge. I heard it gets easier with practice! I have to remind myself of this daily.
Once in the middle of an anxiety attack, I ran outside for some fresh air and sunshine in my backyard and next thing you know I was searching for four leaf clovers.  Next thing you know I was gathering one of all the different classifications of wild flowers in my backyard and discovering ALL of the different textures of moss back there. I had forgotten about whatever it was that I was stressing over.
If you look on my Instagram you will see some pics of me climbing trees and hanging upside down from tree limbs. That was another day I needed some emergency ZEN. I hadn't been in a tree in years. A totally spontaneous gesture... and it worked! BIIIIIG FUN too!! I guess my spirit knows that nature is a healer.

Other than that I go to this Rock Preserve by my house. I climb a big rock, get up there real high. I talk to the trees and nature and sip wine!! Come down…Climb another boulder then I do it all again!”
When can we expect your solo project?
“My solo project is called The Black Box. It's kinda dark …mystic… I'm waiting to release it this fall.” 

To read Ebony’s full bio, discography, and see more photos click the link:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Femme Noire’s thought of The Day: Happiness is Your Natural State…Choose to Be Happy!

“I wasn't ready to leave; I did what I had to do! Nobody ever taught me….I am a product of my environment….I don’t have enough money….I've had my heart broken one too many times, my  mother and father  abandoned me” are all reasons  that I have  heard people use in conversation  as reasons why they aren't happy.  I've had the misconception as I’m sure that everyone has had at one time or another that our outer circumstances control our feelings and our happiness. As long as everybody is pleased with me and I am getting what I want then I am happy. It is easy to be happy when things are going our way and everybody is on our side, but what about when we’re all alone? What happens now? How do we lift ourselves up? I love the quote by Buddha “All that we are a result of what we have thought”, but how are we supposed to think happy thoughts when we weren't taught, we weren't shown, and we have experienced so much pain in our lives? Even when we achieve all of our goals there is still that voice telling us that it is not enough and we need to do more. How do we reprogram our minds to really focus on being truly happy with ourselves? I've been asking myself this question for a very long time.

I am happiest when I am around nature. My thoughts are clear and focused and I am able to really think about all of the goodness in my life. By  taking in the sounds of the ocean and feeling the sand between my toes or lying in the grass staring up at the sky, brings me great joy!  How do I take this feeling with me into the office everyday? How do I stop sabotaging my happiness and silence the negative suggestions coming from my inner voice? How do I know that everything will be alright especially when I am just trying to protect myself from hurting again?
I am happiest when I'm in Nature! I love Animals!

What I am learning is that you can’t believe everything you think! It’s like talking to a friend about a problem; they may offer suggestions but it is up to you to decide what solution is the best for your life. It can be very comforting to talk to people about things that are making you unhappy but in my opinion it’s like reliving the situation over and over again. It’s better to focus on conversation that is uplifting and positive as much as possible. When you are at peace it’s easier to make better decisions that will remove you from an undesirable situation even when it hurts! Happiness is your goal! Nobody owes you happiness and it’s hard to make others happy if you’re not happy with yourself.

I would like to share my tips for staying happy everyday!

1.      I start my day with meditation. I never skip a day!  I need that time to really hear what my spirit is telling me. I have my best ideas first thing in the morning.

2.      I like to listen to music that promotes happiness. I usually listen to Bob Marley while I’m getting dressed in the morning. I used to listen to the news on the way to work but I found that it was making me sad listening to all the trouble in the world. It’s important to be aware but not obsessed!

3.     I eat light first thing in the morning. Fruit,veggie omelet, coffee or tea and then I head out!

  I write this blog! I love learning and sharing. Find a hobby that you really love!

5.       When I feel down I call a friend that is so positive it’s infectious! I am blessed to have very supportive friends who realize my struggles but never point out my flaws. Surround yourself with people that lift you up,and are where you want to be in life or, those who are headed in the direction you want to go.
      Thoughts are things! They live and breathe and just like all living things they need attention in order to grow. It’s normal to entertain your thoughts but only nurture thoughts that will help you to lead a happier more peaceful life.

7.       I love to travel. I am a big fan of leaving town for the weekend. I go to the beach whenever possible. If I can’t get away I like to ride my bike in the park or take a walk.

8.       Exercise is very important! It’s hard for me to focus on problems when I am working out. I love Yoga and practice three times a week and I do Zumba once a week.  I love to dance so I try to get out with friends to dance all night!

9.       When I feel sad I don’t push those feelings away! I honor my feelings because there is a reason I feel this way. I deal with my feelings and move forward with healing the hurt.

1       Remember happiness comes from within! When you are doing what you love and are surrounded by people that love you it is easier to be happy, but it is equally important to be happy when you are alone, and it all starts with your thoughts and the way you feel about yourself ! 

     Remember “Pain is inevitable,suffering is optional”…..Don’t suffer choose love, choose life, choose you! You deserve to be happy despite what anybody else may say and despite what you may think!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Femme Noire’s thought of the Day….Be Spontaneous

“Seize the day and put no trust in the future” ~Quintus Horatius Flaccus

So I was out the other night with one of my amazing artist friends whom I haven’t seen in quite a while. His energy is crazy!!! He is one of the most humble people that I’ve ever met in my life. To be so accomplished in his craft and remain so simple is art in itself. He agreed to meet me for dinner and drinks after work. He prefers ska music vs. contemporary dancehall reggae and doesn’t really listen to rap yet he made himself comfortable at the spot. I was telling him all about Femme Noire and the vision behind the blog. He listened and then offered advice….(I’m paraphrasing)…”The time may never be right. You always have to be ready. Don’t depend on me for pictures…don’t wait for the perfect interview sometimes it needs to be on the spot.”  

Wow it seems that this would be common knowledge but, this is easier said than done.  It just needs to be done. Just do it! Go for it!
Feeling Free! Private Beach in Jamaica....Spontaneous!

There is no time like the present has become my mantra. I have always been the type of person who wants conditions to be perfect before taking on any project.  This way of thinking has caused me to miss out on so much because I always feel as though I may not be ready due to finances, lack of experience, and lack of time. Ultimately I was making excuses to procrastinate. Procrastination is how I’ve been dealing with my internalized fear of failure but, how can you fail if you don’t try? How can you give up before you start? How do you know what the answer if you don’t ask the questions?
We live in an imperfect world so, if we wait for conditions to be perfect before we get started we could be waiting a really long time to achieve success, find happiness, or complete a goal.  I am learning how to stay prepared and ready for any new opportunity that might present itself.  The key is to stay open and positive. Ready, set, go!  Make it happen …don’t wait because you might not ever get this chance again.  
Be encouraged and seize the day!

~One Love

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Always believe that you’re great!

I Believe That I Am Great!

Today I was listening to the Jay-Z interview with Angie Martinez on Hot 97.com. I have always been a fan of his music, but lately I have become a fan of his persona and the confidence he exudes during interviews.  He was talking about his many accomplishments and the release of the Magna Carter Holy Grail album which by the way I think is pretty dope. I have been listening to it on repeat for a few days now.  I found the entire interview interesting but what I found most profound and inspiring was his attitude toward success.  “Success is being able to do what you like to do on your own terms.” When asked what advice he would give to aspiring rappers he said “Always believe that you’re great even before anybody else believes it.”

It  is easy to feel defeated when it seems like things are just not working out the way you want them to or  you didn't get the results that you were looking for. It is easy to compare yourself to others who are where you want to be or who appear to be successful. I believe that everybody is trying hard to succeed in life, but when things get hard it is easier to do what is comfortable. There are those who conform and then there are those who don’t give up, those who won’t give up. I am guilty of walking around with a halo of defeat when things don’t happen as fast as I think that they should. I may start out feeling like a winner but when the going gets tough I forget the reason why I started in the first place. I lose sight of my vision and my dream.  I find my comfort zone.

Be inspired today! Be motivated to put your best foot forward in whatever it is in life that you want to achieve. Believe and know that you are special and that you are great even if you feel like nobody knows it but you!

Thanks Jay-Z

You can check out a portion of this interview @http://www.hot97.com/TV/Interview/index.aspx

~One Love

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Meet Hanan: A True Angel!

I am so inspired everyday by the kindness and generosity of people. With so much negativity in the news it’s so refreshing to hear that there are people who are willing to help and be of service to those who are less fortunate and often forgotten. I am blessed to work with pregnant women, new mothers and their new babies. Most of the babies I work with are born healthy and have a bright future. New moms usually recover very quickly after delivery and have very few complications or none at all.

I realize that in the United States it is easy to forget how fortunate we are when it comes to healthcare. It is easy to take it for granted that a woman who has had no prenatal care can walk into any emergency room and deliver her baby  in a safe, clean environment and receive high quality care from a well trained medical team. There are federally funded programs that give out free formula for new babies that need it. There are also health insurance programs so that newborns can receive quality healthcare after he/she leaves the hospital.

It is not uncommon for a woman to find out that she is pregnant and not seek help before delivery but, instead walk into the emergency room when it is time to deliver her baby. Every day I interact with medical professionals who have become jaded and cynical when it comes to these cases because they believe it creates a negative cycle of dependency on the current system. The staff is overworked and burned out and resources are stretched to the limit. It’s easy to forget why they chose the medical profession in the first place. 

This is not the case when it comes to Hanan Waite. Hanan Waite is a Registered Nurse who is passionate about ensuring that all pregnant women deliver babies in a safe and clean environment, by a team of experienced medical professionals.  Hanan was born and raised in Ghana, West Africa where she was orphaned at an early age. Hanan moved to California, USA at the age of fifteen to start a new life. After struggling for many years doing odd jobs including, housekeeping and bartending Hanan was able to purchase her own home at twenty three years old. Hanan earned A Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Georgia State University.  Hanan excelled in her career as a postpartum mother and baby nurse. After only two years on the job she was presented with the prestigious Nurse of The Year award from March of Dimes for her caring and compassionate service.

Hanan was not content with just being a good Nurse…she wanted to give back to the woman of the country that she calls home. In Ghana women deliver babies in some of the most deplorable conditions.  With little or no medical attention babies are born wherever there is space even if this means that the baby has to be born on the floor. Most hospitals do not even have access to clean supplies to perform a safe delivery. The lack of supplies and trained staff put the women and their babies at an extremely high risk of infection and even death.

Hanan founded Earth’s Angels a non-profit organization to bring cleans supplies, and education to the women of her beloved Ghana and eventually women worldwide that are in desperate need of help. Hanan’s organization provides Basic supplies such as food and water, clean linens, sanitary napkins, diapers, clean undergarments, shoes, clothing, crucial vaccinations and medical supplies. Earth’s Angel’s is funded by donations and this year her organization was able to send their first shipment to the Women of Ghana. Supplies are en route and should be delivered within the next three weeks.

I feel very honored and inspired to get the word out about this organization that is doing such wonderful, selfless work. Please check out Earth’s Angel’s website to learn more about this amazing organization. http://earthsangelsgive.org/Home.php

~One Love