Thursday, September 5, 2013

Femme Noire’s thought of The Day: Happiness is Your Natural State…Choose to Be Happy!

“I wasn't ready to leave; I did what I had to do! Nobody ever taught me….I am a product of my environment….I don’t have enough money….I've had my heart broken one too many times, my  mother and father  abandoned me” are all reasons  that I have  heard people use in conversation  as reasons why they aren't happy.  I've had the misconception as I’m sure that everyone has had at one time or another that our outer circumstances control our feelings and our happiness. As long as everybody is pleased with me and I am getting what I want then I am happy. It is easy to be happy when things are going our way and everybody is on our side, but what about when we’re all alone? What happens now? How do we lift ourselves up? I love the quote by Buddha “All that we are a result of what we have thought”, but how are we supposed to think happy thoughts when we weren't taught, we weren't shown, and we have experienced so much pain in our lives? Even when we achieve all of our goals there is still that voice telling us that it is not enough and we need to do more. How do we reprogram our minds to really focus on being truly happy with ourselves? I've been asking myself this question for a very long time.

I am happiest when I am around nature. My thoughts are clear and focused and I am able to really think about all of the goodness in my life. By  taking in the sounds of the ocean and feeling the sand between my toes or lying in the grass staring up at the sky, brings me great joy!  How do I take this feeling with me into the office everyday? How do I stop sabotaging my happiness and silence the negative suggestions coming from my inner voice? How do I know that everything will be alright especially when I am just trying to protect myself from hurting again?
I am happiest when I'm in Nature! I love Animals!

What I am learning is that you can’t believe everything you think! It’s like talking to a friend about a problem; they may offer suggestions but it is up to you to decide what solution is the best for your life. It can be very comforting to talk to people about things that are making you unhappy but in my opinion it’s like reliving the situation over and over again. It’s better to focus on conversation that is uplifting and positive as much as possible. When you are at peace it’s easier to make better decisions that will remove you from an undesirable situation even when it hurts! Happiness is your goal! Nobody owes you happiness and it’s hard to make others happy if you’re not happy with yourself.

I would like to share my tips for staying happy everyday!

1.      I start my day with meditation. I never skip a day!  I need that time to really hear what my spirit is telling me. I have my best ideas first thing in the morning.

2.      I like to listen to music that promotes happiness. I usually listen to Bob Marley while I’m getting dressed in the morning. I used to listen to the news on the way to work but I found that it was making me sad listening to all the trouble in the world. It’s important to be aware but not obsessed!

3.     I eat light first thing in the morning. Fruit,veggie omelet, coffee or tea and then I head out!

  I write this blog! I love learning and sharing. Find a hobby that you really love!

5.       When I feel down I call a friend that is so positive it’s infectious! I am blessed to have very supportive friends who realize my struggles but never point out my flaws. Surround yourself with people that lift you up,and are where you want to be in life or, those who are headed in the direction you want to go.
      Thoughts are things! They live and breathe and just like all living things they need attention in order to grow. It’s normal to entertain your thoughts but only nurture thoughts that will help you to lead a happier more peaceful life.

7.       I love to travel. I am a big fan of leaving town for the weekend. I go to the beach whenever possible. If I can’t get away I like to ride my bike in the park or take a walk.

8.       Exercise is very important! It’s hard for me to focus on problems when I am working out. I love Yoga and practice three times a week and I do Zumba once a week.  I love to dance so I try to get out with friends to dance all night!

9.       When I feel sad I don’t push those feelings away! I honor my feelings because there is a reason I feel this way. I deal with my feelings and move forward with healing the hurt.

1       Remember happiness comes from within! When you are doing what you love and are surrounded by people that love you it is easier to be happy, but it is equally important to be happy when you are alone, and it all starts with your thoughts and the way you feel about yourself ! 

     Remember “Pain is inevitable,suffering is optional”…..Don’t suffer choose love, choose life, choose you! You deserve to be happy despite what anybody else may say and despite what you may think!

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