Tuesday, December 3, 2013

YEEZUS...... Hold Fast to Your Dreams!!!

Hold Fast To Your Dreams,
For if Dreams Die 
Life is a broken-winged bird 
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams 
For when dreams go
Life is a Barren Field 
Frozen with Snow.

~Langston Hughes

The Other night I went to check out the Yeezus Tour with Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar. All that I can say is that the concert was amazing! Love him or hate him Kanye is a source of inspiration for many. I love hip-hop because it's just poetry over music. How we choose to interpret it is up to us. 

Dreams by Langston Hughes is one of my favorite poems and one of the first poems that I memorized as a child. Dreams has always resonated with me even until today. I am not going to review the concert because there were so many highlights for me I could probably write a book, but when Kanye went on one of his famous "Rants" he said something that stuck with me and I wanted to share his words with  you....

"There are two types of people in the world; there are dreamers and there are haters....the only difference between  dreamers and haters is that haters have forgotten their dreams!"  

Hold fast to your dreams and keep going for it, working towards it, preparing for the moment when opportunity knocks. No matter how small or how big your dream may be keep working to make it a reality. For most of my life I let people tell me who and what I should be, how I should act, and what I should say. I almost forgot what it was that I really wanted out of life ,but as I am rekindling a relationship with my true self I don't know how I could had pushed all of my dreams aside. When I am pursuing what I love I am alive. When I write this blog, when I travel, every time that I attempt a new language I am alive, every time that I write a line of poetry I feel connected to the universe. Dreams have nothing to do with money, but money is definitely a residual effect for passionately pursuing what you love to do. 

Do you want to live or do you want to be alive? Don't let your dreams die.........

~One Love

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