Saturday, July 13, 2013

Always believe that you’re great!

I Believe That I Am Great!

Today I was listening to the Jay-Z interview with Angie Martinez on Hot I have always been a fan of his music, but lately I have become a fan of his persona and the confidence he exudes during interviews.  He was talking about his many accomplishments and the release of the Magna Carter Holy Grail album which by the way I think is pretty dope. I have been listening to it on repeat for a few days now.  I found the entire interview interesting but what I found most profound and inspiring was his attitude toward success.  “Success is being able to do what you like to do on your own terms.” When asked what advice he would give to aspiring rappers he said “Always believe that you’re great even before anybody else believes it.”

It  is easy to feel defeated when it seems like things are just not working out the way you want them to or  you didn't get the results that you were looking for. It is easy to compare yourself to others who are where you want to be or who appear to be successful. I believe that everybody is trying hard to succeed in life, but when things get hard it is easier to do what is comfortable. There are those who conform and then there are those who don’t give up, those who won’t give up. I am guilty of walking around with a halo of defeat when things don’t happen as fast as I think that they should. I may start out feeling like a winner but when the going gets tough I forget the reason why I started in the first place. I lose sight of my vision and my dream.  I find my comfort zone.

Be inspired today! Be motivated to put your best foot forward in whatever it is in life that you want to achieve. Believe and know that you are special and that you are great even if you feel like nobody knows it but you!

Thanks Jay-Z

You can check out a portion of this interview @

~One Love


  1. I love it!!! And love you! Beautifully written!

    1. Awww...Thanks for checking this out! Be Motivated, Uplifted and Inspired.~One Love

    2. This was beautiful, on point and SO needed right now! Love you!
