Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thought of The Day: Lose Control!

"You have control over your work alone never the result". Krishna Bhagavad-Gita.

Good Morning and Happy Thursday to everyone that takes time out to read what I have to say. I always think I know what I am going to write about, but then when I sit down to put my thoughts on paper everything changes. This past week has been a real learning lesson for me. I learned that when you think that you’re in control of the day, when you think you’re in control of your life you’d better think again because something can always come along that can turn order into chaos and make you lose control. All that you planned has to be put on hold because of circumstance.

Recently I picked up a part-time job to help with extra expenses around the house. I have been feeling real good because I feel some sense of order as it relates to bills. I am paying things off that were being neglected due to lack of money. Lately I have been feeling great because things seem to be looking up. I woke up early Sunday to meet my friend for coffee before reporting to my part time job. It was a misty, foggy, gray, gloomy morning, and I remember saying to myself, I wish I didn’t have to get out of my bed it’s so nasty out there. Reluctantly I got dressed and headed out the door. As I was driving I was counting in my head all the things that needed to get done before the day was done. I was driving along with the radio turned off absorbed in my thoughts. I merged onto an exit ramp as I do every day when my car began to spin out of control. I didn’t realize what was happening until the car hit the guard rail and came to a stop. My only thought was….am I going to die? This was such a scary experience because even grabbing the wheel and trying to steer the car was useless. I had to just wait to see where I landed. I was in total shock. I was alone, and didn’t know what happened. A Good Samaritan stopped and made sure that I was safe. I called 911 and a cop wrote the accident report. He said the rainy condition could have caused me to spin out of control. I didn’t understand my car has new tires, I merged slowly onto the ramp; in my mind I did everything a good driver should. My car is damaged pretty badly, but I am here to write about it.

This incident showed me that even when I think that I am in control I am not. I had my whole day planned and those plans were completely changed. My whole week has been affected. I suffered major muscle stiffness and was unable to move for a few days. Money that I earned now has to be used for car repairs, not to mention the missed time from work. I am learning that you can’t control the environment, you can’t control other people; you can only control your own actions. In our society we are constantly striving to become more, to do more, to have more, but we take the simplest things for granted starting with our breath. Each breath we take affords us another opportunity to live another second. We take for granted the ones that love us the most until it is too late. This experience showed me that every second is precious. When things don’t go as planned it’s ok because we as humans will always adapt to our situations. The most important thing is to do the best that we can, the rest is out of our control.

My thought of the day is simple…..Lose control and watch how life will unfold in front of your very eyes.

~One Love….Be blessed today and Everyday!

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