Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You have all the answers....If you THINK you do!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought” ~Buddha
Stop looking outside of yourself for answers because you are the answer. You are the answer to any problem that you may have right now. I am learning that our experiences are a result of the thoughts that we constantly play over again and again in our mind.  It does not matter whether a thought is negative or positive our life is a reflection of what we think. I realize that I have such positive experiences when I listen to the little voice inside telling me to JUST DO IT! When I act without fear of failure or fear of rejection I am always pleasantly surprised and overjoyed with the results.
Learning to be patient with myself and others has proven to be the way to happiness. Questions are answered and truth is revealed when we take time out to listen to that little voice inside telling us that everything is ok.  I am learning not to try to change other people because that is almost impossible. I am learning that through prayer and meditation I can change myself.
We have to consciously choose love, choose peace, and choose happiness in order to receive the gifts that this life has to offer.  In order to be loved we must love ourselves. Sometimes it’s hard for me to feel love for myself because it’s easier for me to find things that are wrong such as…my hair is not right, I’m too skinny, I don't have enough money etc. Sometimes I am not very nice to myself. I’ve decided that I must be kind to myself. I want to be unselfish and open to what my soul is saying. I’ve decided not to live with the pain that I’ve carried around all these years. I’ve decided to wake up. I've decided not to dwell on things that make me sad or fearful. I don't focus on things that make me angry or jealous. I have decided to focus on those things which bring me joy and make me smile and what I've realized is...there is so much to smile about!
 We are surrounded by God’s majesty and boundless fields of energy so there are endless opportunities to be great no matter how mundane or insignificant our daily activities seem to be. There is always an opportunity to make a difference. It is not by accident that we are here. We are all a part of the plan. Today is a new day…wake-up, smile, breathe and THINK something different.

Painted Desert...God's Majesty! Created from Iron, Copper and Maganese

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