Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back In Action After A Trip Down Memory Lane!

Hello All, if you have been looking for new posts by me I want to apologize for being M.I.A. I had a death in the family and was deeply saddended by the loss of my Aunt. I wasn't going to write about it, but I had to let my readers know where I've been for the past two weeks. My Aunt lived in New York City and had a great legacy. She is the reason I love music and the arts. She is one of the major reasons I love to travel. Her influence throughout my life was huge and she will be greatly missed. My aunt did not want a funeral, so we had a memorial service in Eutawville, South Carolina. Eutawville, South Carolina is the home of my grandparents, great-granparents and so on. Eutawville was where me and my sisters spent our entire summers away from the city. We were allowed to play in the fields and in the dirt with free abandon. My great-grandmother raised hogs, and chickens. There were fields that grew corn, watermelon, peanuts, and peas. There were pecan, pear, and fig trees in the yard. I loved my childhood there. Unfortunately after my great-grandmother passed away I never returned.

Picture from www.waymarking.com

Fast forward to 2012, and I am driving to Eutawville to lay my aunt to rest. The closer I got to the church, the more overcome I became with emotion. There were some changes to the town, but not many. The old IGA was now a Red and White supermarket, and the town built a new Dollar General and Family Dollar. The church that we attended every sunday was now remodeled, but that was it. Miles and miles of trailer homes, classic cars, boats, and dirt roads brought me back to a worry free time in my life. Of course there was no cell phone reception anywhere, so I had to stop and ask a shop keeper for directions.I forgot how warm and eager to help people in small towns could be. After living in a place where customer no service is ever present for so long it was very refreshing to be welcomed with a smile by a stranger, especially since I was lost.

Going back to my childhood was a humbling experience. I thought about where I came from and what my history is. I come from ex-slaves, sharecroppers, farmers,and business men who traveled North to make a better life for their children. I come from a family that started with nothing, and aquired land for the future generations. I come from a family of Sailors, Soldiers, Doctor's and Lawyer's. I come from a place where family is still important. I left there with new motivation for my life. I left there with new ideas for my blog, and with new ideas on ways to give back to the community. I left with a new confidence because I know that no matter what strangers think of me my family loves me for just being me.

I took a lot of pictures, but I forgot my camera at my Uncle's house. I will be posting pictures as soon as I can track down my camera, so I apologize for that in advance. Please look forward to weekly blogs, including Monday Meditation, What's on your playlist Wednesday, and more interviews. I am also excited about upcoming videos that will feature the one and only Femme Noir Atl.

Until Next Time...One Love!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your loss, but glad that you decided to blog about it. Otherwise, how are you?
