Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meditation is Important.....and Easy!

Living a healthy lifestyle is more than just eating right! Healthy living involves all aspects of this precious life that we are given. Healthy living manifests itself in everything thing that we do on a daily basis. Ever notice why active people seem to be energized and happy all of the time, while those who don’t emphasize being active are more stressed, negative, and downright depressed. It is important that every single day we make time for ourselves by ourselves. I know life can be hectic, work, school, children, bills, a man and anything else that seems to take up so much time that there is never enough time for you. Ladies you may think that taking time out for yourself is getting your hair done, nails and toes did but relaxation is more than those things. Relaxation is the time you spend connecting with yourself so that your inner self matches what is on the outside. I offer four solutions to healthy living that we will cover over the next few months and feel free to email me with your tips for healthy living. My four steps to healthy living include (1) Meditation/ Positive thinking (2) Nutritious Food (3) Exercise (4). Sleep

Meditation is so important to me because it saved my life and helped me to get in touch with my true desires that I didn’t even know were there. I discovered that Meditation is for everybody not just Buddhists and hippies. When I first began meditation I thought that I was too hip to sit still and chant with other idiots willing to waste precious time in their day for this foolishness, but once I began I was hooked. Meditation is special because you learn how to see within yourself. When I began meditation things in my life were hectic, I was a full-time student with two part-time jobs, no car, and no money. I felt everything was fine in my life until I really began to look within. What I discovered was that I had no balance and my life was a result of the negative thoughts I carried day in and day out.

Meditating requires practice since our brain is constantly working thinking of the next duty that needs to be done and the next dollar that needs to be made. Once I began to take meditation seriously thirty minutes seemed more like three minutes, and so I began to need more. For thirty minutes a day I could see my life the way I always planned it. Where ever I wanted to go I was there in my mind, the job, the friends, the money……you name it I could envision. Stress was a foreign word to me. Everything was COOL in the most stressful situations. Meditation has helped me to become the person I always wanted to be, because I learned how to FOCUS on what is important now and my true desires.
I have discovered that many successful people meditate on a daily basis. Oprah Winfrey and Russell Simmons are my two favorite moguls who have incorporated meditation into their daily routine, but you don’t have to be a mogul to meditate….. Meditation is easy and free!!

Ok Ready? All you need is a stopwatch, a candle, some music if you like, a comfortable place to be still, and no distractions.

1.For first time mediators I recommend setting your stopwatch for 15 or 20 minutes, you can gradually add more or less time when you become more experienced.

2.Find a quiet spot in your house where there will be no distractions.

3.Light a candle if you wish, I recommend a scented candle.

4.Soft instrumental music can be used; there is a lot of meditation music on you tube.

5.Get comfortable on the floor or a chair. I like to sit Indian Style.

6.Close your eyes…think of one pleasant thought and focus on it.

7.Inhale deeply and then exhale.

8.Do this over and over again until the only thought you have is the pleasant thought that you’re focused on.

9.You will know when meditation has come to an end because you will slowly become aware of what is around you, other thoughts that you have become louder, your eyes open and you can’t sit still anymore.

10.Get up slowly, reflect, exhale and smile.

11.Now your day can begin!

In Russell’s own words enjoy!

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