Sunday, August 10, 2014

You're Fresh....Stupid Fresh!

Taking time to meditate helps me in so many ways. I'm sure that everyone can relate to what I'm feeling when I say it's hard not to go off on people. Just because I don't learn the way that you learn, act the way that you act, dress the way that you dress or laugh at all of your jokes doesn't make me less smarter, less creative,  and less aware of what's going on. I myself like to listen, I like to observe, I like to contemplate. I like genuine conversation, warm smiles and silence even in the presence of another. I'm not that good at pretending I wear my feelings on my face. It's sad that long after high school some people are still concerned with cliques, and how others perceive them. I don't care about any of that; I never have and I never will. I've been there done that!

I was always waiting for others to include me and make feel fresh. I always needed validation from other people. I was never cool, as a matter of fact I was painfully awkward, and  it was always like people went out of their way to point out my differences. I didn't realize my differences and  my awkwardness is what made and makes me special. As a matter of fact most models are as tall as me or taller. Most artists are eccentric and seem aloof; every great martyr has been publicly humiliated and experienced a turn of events that knocked them out of their shell and into the forefront of issues whether publicly or privately.

I needed so much from others not realizing that everything I ever wanted is within me. Self discovery is amazing; you start to embrace the awkwardness that people once ridiculed and  you now see this awkwardness as something special. I’m something special,you’re something special, we're all special in the eyes of the most high. I’m fresh! I’m stupid fresh! I’m dope, I’m cool, I’m fly, I’m hot, I’m everything that they told me I’m not…..and so are you!  You’re dope , you’re cool, you’re fly, you’re fresh….stupid fresh as a matter of fact. Take time to go within. Spend quality time with yourself. Enjoy the uniqueness that is you. Enjoy the beauty that is you, your smile, your eyes, your hair, your toes, your nose.....just take time to appreciate the being that you are. For many years I wouldn't look in the mirror...I stopped taking pictures, and I let myself go because I didn't like myself. I didn't like the person that I thought I saw. I realized I didn't like other peoples criticisms of me. What they were seeing in me was actually what they didn't like about themselves. Since I started my meditation practice I have slowly begun to fall in love with me again. I'm in love in a spiritual sense not a physical or material sense. I realize that my personality is not who I am, what I wear is not who I am, but the person that I am is the light inside of me that can only be detected by others in search of light. Light recognizes light. Real recognizes real.

No matter how long it takes to accept yourself the way that the most high created you once you see yourself for who you are there is no turning back. You will no longer accept the lies that were told to you. It’s never too late to wipe the crust out of your eyes. It’s never too late to see yourself as you really are; it’s never too late to find your talent, your gift, and your purpose.  It’s never too late to shine.
You’re dope, you’re cool, you’re fly, you’re fresh…. you're stupid fresh!

~One Love

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