Monday, August 19, 2013

Femme Noire’s thought of the Day….Be Spontaneous

“Seize the day and put no trust in the future” ~Quintus Horatius Flaccus

So I was out the other night with one of my amazing artist friends whom I haven’t seen in quite a while. His energy is crazy!!! He is one of the most humble people that I’ve ever met in my life. To be so accomplished in his craft and remain so simple is art in itself. He agreed to meet me for dinner and drinks after work. He prefers ska music vs. contemporary dancehall reggae and doesn’t really listen to rap yet he made himself comfortable at the spot. I was telling him all about Femme Noire and the vision behind the blog. He listened and then offered advice….(I’m paraphrasing)…”The time may never be right. You always have to be ready. Don’t depend on me for pictures…don’t wait for the perfect interview sometimes it needs to be on the spot.”  

Wow it seems that this would be common knowledge but, this is easier said than done.  It just needs to be done. Just do it! Go for it!
Feeling Free! Private Beach in Jamaica....Spontaneous!

There is no time like the present has become my mantra. I have always been the type of person who wants conditions to be perfect before taking on any project.  This way of thinking has caused me to miss out on so much because I always feel as though I may not be ready due to finances, lack of experience, and lack of time. Ultimately I was making excuses to procrastinate. Procrastination is how I’ve been dealing with my internalized fear of failure but, how can you fail if you don’t try? How can you give up before you start? How do you know what the answer if you don’t ask the questions?
We live in an imperfect world so, if we wait for conditions to be perfect before we get started we could be waiting a really long time to achieve success, find happiness, or complete a goal.  I am learning how to stay prepared and ready for any new opportunity that might present itself.  The key is to stay open and positive. Ready, set, go!  Make it happen …don’t wait because you might not ever get this chance again.  
Be encouraged and seize the day!

~One Love