Saturday, June 22, 2013

Meet Hanan: A True Angel!

I am so inspired everyday by the kindness and generosity of people. With so much negativity in the news it’s so refreshing to hear that there are people who are willing to help and be of service to those who are less fortunate and often forgotten. I am blessed to work with pregnant women, new mothers and their new babies. Most of the babies I work with are born healthy and have a bright future. New moms usually recover very quickly after delivery and have very few complications or none at all.

I realize that in the United States it is easy to forget how fortunate we are when it comes to healthcare. It is easy to take it for granted that a woman who has had no prenatal care can walk into any emergency room and deliver her baby  in a safe, clean environment and receive high quality care from a well trained medical team. There are federally funded programs that give out free formula for new babies that need it. There are also health insurance programs so that newborns can receive quality healthcare after he/she leaves the hospital.

It is not uncommon for a woman to find out that she is pregnant and not seek help before delivery but, instead walk into the emergency room when it is time to deliver her baby. Every day I interact with medical professionals who have become jaded and cynical when it comes to these cases because they believe it creates a negative cycle of dependency on the current system. The staff is overworked and burned out and resources are stretched to the limit. It’s easy to forget why they chose the medical profession in the first place. 

This is not the case when it comes to Hanan Waite. Hanan Waite is a Registered Nurse who is passionate about ensuring that all pregnant women deliver babies in a safe and clean environment, by a team of experienced medical professionals.  Hanan was born and raised in Ghana, West Africa where she was orphaned at an early age. Hanan moved to California, USA at the age of fifteen to start a new life. After struggling for many years doing odd jobs including, housekeeping and bartending Hanan was able to purchase her own home at twenty three years old. Hanan earned A Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Georgia State University.  Hanan excelled in her career as a postpartum mother and baby nurse. After only two years on the job she was presented with the prestigious Nurse of The Year award from March of Dimes for her caring and compassionate service.

Hanan was not content with just being a good Nurse…she wanted to give back to the woman of the country that she calls home. In Ghana women deliver babies in some of the most deplorable conditions.  With little or no medical attention babies are born wherever there is space even if this means that the baby has to be born on the floor. Most hospitals do not even have access to clean supplies to perform a safe delivery. The lack of supplies and trained staff put the women and their babies at an extremely high risk of infection and even death.

Hanan founded Earth’s Angels a non-profit organization to bring cleans supplies, and education to the women of her beloved Ghana and eventually women worldwide that are in desperate need of help. Hanan’s organization provides Basic supplies such as food and water, clean linens, sanitary napkins, diapers, clean undergarments, shoes, clothing, crucial vaccinations and medical supplies. Earth’s Angel’s is funded by donations and this year her organization was able to send their first shipment to the Women of Ghana. Supplies are en route and should be delivered within the next three weeks.

I feel very honored and inspired to get the word out about this organization that is doing such wonderful, selfless work. Please check out Earth’s Angel’s website to learn more about this amazing organization.

~One Love